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Week of 10/14/24

Morning Minute 10/15/24:

“Survival, Greed, Status, Power, or Influence?”

What motivates you now? What is the filter through which you process information, perceive danger, or seek opportunity. What IS your primary motivation in life!

Before examining these, let’s recognize that at different times in your life, you may have been motivated by several, or even all of these.

The question today is: “What motivates you…now?”

SURVIVAL: We have a perfect example of this by looking at those who have endured the recent hurricanes. Many have lost their homes, businesses, and jobs. They have no electricity, heat, toilets, food, or clean water. Most lost everything including the ability to communicate with others outside their location. Their mobility is restricted due to destroyed roads and bridges. And, Winter is just a few weeks away. They are truly in survival mode.

GREED: This is the single-minded pursuit of wealth and everything that money buys. For these people there is never enough money, wealth, or the trappings of success. They always want MORE! They judge their worth as humans by their net worth, the size of their properties, and their financial well-being. Thus, greed may possibly consume them at the expense of their personal relationships.

STATUS: These people are primarily motivated by how others perceive them. Titles, awards, honors, and educational achievements are sought in order to be seen as successful. Being recognized for their individual achievements feeds their rather large egos. They seek that recognition in their occupations, their families, their clubs, and their churches. For them, their personal and professional status is everything.

POWER: These people are motivated by the power to control other people, events, and circumstances. Government at every level today is filled with power-seekers. Many desire power because they feel they are better prepared, better suited, of smarter than the people they want to control. For them, power IS control! And the more power they possess, the better that government and their organizations will operate. For them, they never feel that they have enough power!    

INFLUENCE: People motivated by influence seek to improve the situations and people they encounter. They help others develop the habits, skills, and disciplines required to create their own success. Their influence is to be used to help others learn job related skills, get out of debt, and be better prepared to serve others. They share important and useful information. The best examples of are teachers and coaches in schools, and in the workplace. These folks take great pride in, and want to be judged by, the success of their students.  

Finally, allow me to share another motivation. We have all received certain gifts and abilities from our Creator. I know that I will be judged by God according to how well I have used the talents He gave me to serve others. That is my primary motivation.

So, I ask again, what motivates you now? Is it…

Survival, Greed, Status, Power, Influence, or the motivation to please your Creator?

That is today’s Morning Minute!