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Week of 10/30/23

Morning Minute: 10/31/23

“What ARE They Actually Saying?”

How can you ensure that the information you receive is authentic and useful.

People share information that is important to them or aligned with what they want to accomplish. They may share something that is not factual, or share only partial information. You need a process to understand what is being shared, why it is being shared, and if it is accurate.

First, let’s understand these two facts:

Fact #1: The person asking questions is the person controlling the conversation. In a courtroom, a doctor’s office, or dealing with a teenager, why do they ask questions? The lawyer asks questions to guide what the jury will hear. The doctor needs the information to make a correct diagnosis. The teenager wants to deflect the conversation away from his actions. They all want to be in control.

Fact #2: When asked a question, most people will answer with what sounds best or what they think you want to hear. Most people either want to please you, protect you, make themselves look good, or deceive you. If either of these motivations are present, their answer will either be incorrect or only partially factual.

You need these 3 bridge questions to get the real information.

In addition to…?        Other than…?        Assuming that…?

Here are two examples.

You ask an employee why they their task is incomplete. They share an answer that you believe is incorrect. Then, you ask “In addition to (what they told you) what other factor kept you from finishing the task?” They answer that someone else did not complete their task first. You ask Other than the other person not finishing, what else kept you from completing the task? They answer that they did not have the correct tool. You ask Assuming that you had the correct tool, could you have completed the task on time?” They answer yes. Now you have the correct answer.

You are selling a riding lawnmower to a customer. You ask them to buy. They reply that they just want to “Think about it.” You ask “In addition to thinking about it, what else would keep you from buying?” They answer that the price is more than they want to pay. You ask “Other than the price, what else would keep you from buying?” They answer that the seat is uncomfortable. Then you ask, Assuming that I can adjust the seat to make it comfortable, is this the right model?” They say yes. You adjust the seat to their satisfaction and proceed to the sale.

What examples can you share where these 3 bridge questions would be helpful to you?

“What ARE They Actually Saying?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 11/3/23 "What Are We Doing To Our Children?"

Morning Minute: 11/03/23

“What Are We Doing To Our Children?” (Part 1)

We see the results every day!

Thousands of young people deny the atrocities committed on October 7th in Israel. They post on social media that all Jews must be exterminated. They applaud the beheadings of children in front of their parents, the torture and killing of parents in front of their children, the brutal and repeated rapes of women, the burning alive of families in their homes, and the taking of hostages to be used as trading pawns or human shields.

Young people in large groups gather to loot stores, to terrorize workers and shoppers. They attack, injure, and kill people for “fun.” They attack police and police stations, injuring many, and killing officers with no consequences. Carjacking is rampant. They riot in major cities with no pushback from local, state, or federal officials. Political leaders are afraid to act.

Speakers and entertainers who do not share the same views as the administration or the students are not allowed to speak on campus. Those who do show up are threatened and harassed. Tenured professors, who cannot be fired, teach communism, discrimination, and hate. Plus, they facilitate courses leading to degrees in gender studies and intersectionality, while they support the segregation of students by race, religion, and political opinion.

Students graduate from high school who can barely read nor comprehend, cannot do simple math, cannot read cursive, cannot fill out a check or a job application, and are unfit to hold a job. Parents do not demand accountability of teachers, administrators, and school boards. Politicians and parents alike take the path of least resistance allowing children to grow up ignorant of our founding, our national achievements, and all of our shared history, both good and bad.

Our children grow up with no knowledge of right and wrong because they are taught that everything is “relative to their situation.” They are not held accountable for their behavior. Children are indoctrinated at a young age to reject truth and morality, even taught in preschool about sexuality and perversion.

God is banned from the classrooms, the playgrounds, the airwaves, and society.

We see the results of what we have done to our children every day.

We cannot repair a problem unless we see it clearly, and admit what we have done.  

Having now identified the results, we will address the root causes in Part 2 of this three part series of Morning Minutes.

Please repost or forward this message. It is time for a national revival!

“What Are We Doing To Our Children?”  

And, that is today’s Morning Minute.