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Week of 11/27/23

Morning Minute: 11/28/23

“How do you picture…Discipline?”

Is it a thing? An action? A process?

First, allow me to share what discipline is NOT. 

If someone is disobedient, or makes a mistake, corrective action may be required. That corrective action is not discipline. Teachers sometimes tell a parent to “discipline” their child. Customers sometimes insist that a manager “discipline” an employee. The corrective action requested in these cases is punishment. Discipline is not punishment.

I learned very early that discipline is doing the right thing, even when unnecessary, so that when the right thing is necessary, discipline directs the person to do it correctly. That inner direction, making you do the right thing, is discipline.

For instance, as children, we were taught to look both ways before crossing the street. Now, when crossing the street, we look both ways without even thinking about it. For safety’s sake, we were taught to buckle our seat belts when in a motor vehicle. Over time, buckling up became a good habit. Good habits, repeated over time, create discipline.

Recently, Nick Saban shared a different way to understand discipline. Discipline is best described by two actions. First, discipline is doing what you do not want to do, because it is the right thing to do. Second, discipline is not doing what you want to do, because it is the wrong thing to do. Let’s examine each.

You have a one hour commute to start work at 6:00am. You don’t want to get up at 4:30am to get dressed, nor leave early to be on time. However, knowing your work schedule, discipline pushes you to get up early, and leave by 5:00am to be at work on time. You are doing what you do not want to do, because it is the right thing to do.

Conversely, while enjoying an outing with your friends, you want to drink, have fun, and then drive home hoping not to get caught, nor cause an accident. However, knowing that you must not drive after drinking 8 beers, and that you must get up at 4:30am the next day, you only have one beer and are home by 11:30pm. You are not doing what you want to do, because it would be the wrong thing to do.

Summarizing, great habits create discipline. Plus, discipline is doing what you do not want to do, because it is the right thing to do. And, not doing what you want to do, because would be the wrong thing to do.

“How do you picture…Discipline?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 12/01/23

Morning Minute: 11/28/23

“Trailblazers” and “Settlers!”

In a movie, a woman is visiting her friend in the hospital.

Both agree their lives had not turned out as they planned.

She tells him, “You know, I believe we have two lives; the one we learn with, and the one we live with after that!”

While pondering today’s subject, that movie quote triggered a memory.

In high school, a young couple decided they wanted to learn more, do more, and earn more. That life track contrasted with other students who wanted to finish high school, get a job, start a family, and settle down nearby. Most of them went to work at a local factory, or in retail, construction, banking, or insurance. They were “Settlers,” doing their best with what was available nearby and making the most of it.

This young couple worked full time while attending a local college. They were married while in college. Both wanted more than was available locally, so they made plans for their future away from their hometown. To fulfill their dreams of what was possible they became “Trailblazers.” They worked at jobs that were not what they desired in order to learn the skills that would propel them to reach their goals.

In their thirties, both changed occupations, getting into “commission only” sales. As Trailblazers, they continued to learn from top performers, from their clients, and from individuals in various professional organizations. This was the life they learned with.

Eventually, both excelled professionally. They served as presidents of their respective service clubs. Their professional lives had them working in seven different states. Along the way, they developed 4 different companies. And now, they mentor others who are pursuing their own goals. This is the life that my wife, Judy, and I live with…together, as “Trailblazers!”

Both the career paths of the Settler and the Trailblazer are valuable and important. As you decide which path to embark upon, study and understand both the struggles and the benefits of each. Remember that both paths, the Settler, and the Trailblazer, can be very rewarding.

Today’s Challenge: The first 8 people who respond correctly with the name of the movie that the quote is from will win a FREE 30 minute Zoom coaching session with me on team building, leadership, sales, or marketing. You share the issue you are struggling with, and we will work together to solve it.

(Email Your Answer To:

“Trailblazers” and “Settlers!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.