Week of 12/18/23

Week of 12/18/23 Cover Image
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Morning Minute 12/19/23


“Easy Access Training Videos for You & Your Team!”

Over the last 16 months, we have been building and updating our library of training videos. We have 150 videos sharing information, processes, and skills on leadership, team building, sales, personal development, inspiration, and freedom. Every week we add 2 more. In 2024, we will add a new category for marketing.

These short, informative, easy-to-use videos not only provide you with opportunities for yourself, they may be used to help your team and your family increase their knowledge and skills.

All our videos are FREE and are accessed through the YouTube platform. Simply accept our offer to subscribe to this channel. Also, have your team and/or family subscribe as well. Subscribers receive total access to these short, valuable training videos.

Click HERE to subscribe.

One great way to use these training films is to view them together with your team or family. Then, begin a discussion of how they understand the information, how it may apply to them, or, what they may have learned from the video.

Another way is to assign a specific video each week for them to view. Then have them email or message you with what they learned (or relearned), and how they can improve based on the information they viewed.  

Because “Continuous Improvement” is one of our Core Values, we at LarryonLearning and the Bonorato Creative Group are committed to bring you easy-to-use, accurate training. We use comments requests, and suggestions from individuals like yourself, to create our videos.

To help us provide more assistance to you in 2024, we will be running 4 polls on LinkedIn in the next few weeks to guide our efforts. These polls will address the 4 Ps that must be managed properly to be a successful professional. These are PEOPLE, PROCESS, PRODUCT, and PROMOTION. Your participation in these polls on LinkedIn will guide our actions next year.

We greatly appreciate you voting in each of these 4 polls!

We will have only 1 more Morning Minute this year, Friday, December 29, 2023, so our team may enjoy the holidays with their families.

May God bless you all! And may you have a healthy and productive 2024!

That is today’s Morning Minute.  

Check out all our training videos HERE