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Week of 2/27/2023

Morning Minute 2/28/23:

“Changing Jobs…Your Choice or Theirs?”

In a recent poll, 96% of participants indicated one of these 2 answers to this question:

What is the primary issue today preventing you from being promoted in your current job?

83% said that there was no opportunity for advancement in their current job. 13% stated their relationship with their boss held them back. Let’s examine each of these separately.

There are currently over 11 million job openings in the U.S. today. That number has remained constant for over a year. We must assume that those who answered this question wanted to advance. So how is it that employees perceive that there is no opportunity for advancement where they work?

1.   1) Do they not have the skills required for advancement? Is there an opportunity for those who want to advance to get the skills required for promotion?

2.   2) Does your organization have a clear career path for those who want to take on more responsibility? Having a career path gives the employee a target to achieve through their own self-improvement.

3. 3) Has the employee shared their goal to take on more responsibility with their manager? Has the manager inquired about the employee’s short and long term professional goals?

4.  4)  Have employees been cross-trained so that they may display their skills in various roles? This function helps managers determine which jobs they are best qualified to perform.

5.  5)  Is the organization really not growing? Or, is it contracting so that there really are no opportunities for advancement?

Why do team members view their relationship with their boss as the primary reason they are not advancing?

1.  1)  Is there a lack of trust between the employee and the manager? Is this because either one of them, or both of them, have not been truthful with each other?

2.  2)  Is there perceived favoritism shown to other employees? If so, what is the reason for this?

3.  3) Is the manager not doing their job and that is affecting their relationship?

4.    4)    Is the employee not performing to standard and not being held to account by the manager?

5.  5)  Do the personalities of the manager and the employee cause consistent confrontation?

I recommend that managers follow the T.A.S.T.E. leadership model to identify those who want to advance while helping them to reach their goal. If both parties mutually Trust each other, hold each other Accountable, Support each other, be Truthful, and achieve mutual Empowerment, (T.A.S.T.E.), then qualified team members will not feel the need to change jobs in order to advance their careers.

That is today’s Morning Minute.

(Due to my participation in a 3 day seminar next weekend the next Morning Minute will be on 3/7/23).

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