Week of 4/29/24

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Morning Minute 4/30/24:

“What’s It Like…Being A Mentor?”

That is a question I get asked frequently.

The person who chooses to be a mentor to others must be a teacher, a cheerleader, a counselor, a story teller, and a disciplinarian. Mentors must understand that their success will be based on their student’s success. Plus, most mentors learn to enjoy being in the background, while the student basks in success’s bright spotlight.

Let’s break these down:

1st: TEACHER: Being able to teach involves thoroughly knowing the subject matter. The teacher must present the information so that the student will understand it. They teach the correct way to perform a task, plus why it is important. It is critical to know how the student learns. Some are auditory, most are visual, and all learn by doing. And, a great teacher understands the “rule of 3.” Most people learn after 3 exposures to the material. Tell them, show them, and have them perform. When exposed to the material in this way, the student will know both how to perform and why it is necessary.

2nd: CHEERLEADER: Successful students have a supportivementor. The support of that mentor is critical in shaping how the student views themselves, their progress, and their results. Like any cheerleader, the mentor brings them up when they are down, keeping them focused on their goals regardless of the obstacles along the way!   

3rd: COUNSELOR: Because these students are human, they will react to family issues, mistakes, and/or betrayal by others. The mentor’s ability to counsel the student through these, aids the student to stay focused on their goals in spite of difficulties.

4th: STORY TELLER: This function involves listening intently, and sharing stories of how others worked through similar difficulties in achieve their goals. Using stories to create a mental picture, helps the student visualizethemselves reaching their goals.

5th: DISCIPLINARIAN: When necessary, the mentor will apply consequences for bad behavior, sloppy or incomplete work, or missed opportunities. Remember that discipline is requiring that they: “Do what they don’t want to do because it is the right thing to do. And, not do what they want to do, when it is the wrong thing to do.”

Two people come to mind when I picture great mentors: Ann Sullivan and Earl Woods.

ANN SULLIVAN: Ann had the unenviable task of training a young girl who was blind and deaf due to an early childhood disease. That girl was Helen Keller, who would go on to write 14 books, and become the most sought after speaker on 5 continents. With patience, understanding, and love, Ann was able to save Helen from a lifetime of darkness and silence.

EARL WOODS: At the age of 4, Earl’s son displayed a raw talent for golf. Throughout a lifetime of work, he helped his son become the greatest golfer of all time; Tiger Woods

The achievement that brings the most happiness to a mentor is having their student use their talents and skills, to achieve great success in their chosen field.

That is what it is like to be a “Successful Mentor!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 5/3/24 "How Much is Their Life Worth?

Morning Minute 5/03/24:

“How Much Is Their Life Worth?”

Does a person’s valuechange over time?

Seniors over 75 are said to be in their “Golden Years.” Yet, this is the time when they need more help. Even those with active minds require much more care than when they were younger. They still have a lot to offer, yet so many of them are warehoused in nursing homes, cut off from family and friends. How much is their life worth?

People aged 65 – 75 are the newly retired. They have raised their families, completed their careers, and retired. Their lives have changed, hopefully to do what they planned in retirement. They want to continue being active. And, they still want to contribute; to assist those whom they can. How much is their life worth?

Those persons aged 50 - 65 are in the prime of their life. They have learned much and sharpened their skills, allowing them to enter the most productive time in their lives. This is a season in life where they want both success and to help others. Many have shifted gears, from working to “make a living, to working to “make a difference.” How much is their life worth?

People aged 24 – 50 are working to elevate their careers, while raising children. Their lives are full of family and career pressures. They are always busy, balancing their various responsibilities, as they seek to do more, be more, and earn more. These are the years where they struggle to ensure that the next generation will have more opportunities and better lives than they had. How much is their life worth?  

Children and young adults aged 6 – 24, are in their educationalyears. Their lives are being shaped by both their teachers and their parents. They have boundless energy, always seeking new experiences, friends, and excitement. They have great dreams even though most lack the skills to achieve them. They require love, patience, and guidance from adults, as they journey from being children to being young adults. How much is their life worth?

From birth until school age, children need loving, nurturing parents to help them learn basic skills, from the bathroom, to the playground, to the dinner table. In these formative years, parents play a critical role in teaching them respect, responsibility, and right from wrong. These children are forming habits that will last them a lifetime. How much is their life worth?

From conception to birth, babies are totally dependent on their mothers. No one knows what that person will accomplish in life. Whom they will influence? If they will make a significantcontribution in the lives of others? Will they grow up to do great things? How much is their life worth?  

From God’s perspective, ALL lives have both worth and meaning. That is why ALL lives are precious to Him. And, ALL lives should be precious to us as well!

How Much IS Their Life Worth?

That is today’s Morning Minute.