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Week of 5/22/23


“How Will You Create Your 1st Impression?”

In today’s social and business environments, we are taught to be accepting and tolerant of each other.

This is expected and required.

However, this does not eliminate the necessity of making a good 1st impression.

Beginning an interaction, whether in person, on a phone call, or a web conference, how you look, the way you speak, the questions you ask, and the information you share will leave a lasting mental picture of you in other people’s minds. How do you want them to see you after that 1st impression?

Think of a person you met for the first time on a phone call. After that call, what was your mental picture of the person? Did the voice and conversation please you, scare you, or disgust you? One of those emotions will be triggered by that call.

In order to have the other person have a pleasing mental picture of you, follow this simple process. Smile while speaking directly into the phone. Understand that what you say, and how you say it, is creating a vision for the other person. Be polite and helpful, using please and thank you. And, because a telephone will mute 40% of the volume and inflection of your voice, speak up to be heard and understood.

The same is true in a web meeting. But now they have a picture. What do the clothes that you are wearing say about you? Does the scene behind you correspond with the image that you want others to have of you? And, just like your phone conversation, use your voice to assist in creating the mental picture you want to leave them with.

Your first in person meeting, whether scheduled or by chance, is critical in creating that 1st impression. How you speak, the way you are dressed, and your conversation all create the other person’s mental image of you. Ask yourself this: “How do you want the other person to think of you after this interaction?” Then plan your appearance, your demeanor, and your conversation to match the vision you want to leave them with.

Final thought…

The Disney organization requires their employees (they call them cast members) to dress, speak, and interact with guests as if they are “On Stage!” while they are working or in costume. Using this process, they have created a wonderful environment that is both inviting and exciting.  

“How Will You Create Your 1st impression?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 5/26/23


“How Discipline Creates Great Processes!”

Good habits lead to discipline.

Discipline is doing the right thing even when unnecessary, so that when it is necessary you will do the right thing instinctively out of habit.

Along with People, Product, and Promotion, Process is one of the 4 primary items to be managed by a successful leader.

When we were young, most of us were taught the habit of crossing a street by stopping, listening for traffic, and looking both ways before crossing. After a few tries we adapted this as a habit; doing this without thinking about it. This illustrates how good habits lead to discipline. That discipline then becomes the process of how to cross a street safely.

Great processes in our personal lives reduce stress, create better communication with family and friends, keeps us safe, and can lead to happiness, generational wealth, and personal growth. Great processes at work create the framework for cooperation and teamwork, leading to outstanding service for our clients, higher productivity, and reduced turnover...all while enhancing sales and profits.

At home, do you have a written monthly budget that spends no more than 80% of what you bring home? If so, you can donate, save, or invest that 20%. Does that budget show when and to whom your bills need to be paid so that they are always on time? Planning meals weekly based on family schedules and what you have available saves both time and money. These are all good habits that lead to discipline that become processes.

At work, do have a written schedule of what you and your team will accomplish this week or month? Team members need a work schedule of work times and assignments to be focused and productive. Training must be scheduled to keep team members sharp. Plus, you will need to schedule your time to both review team performances and to plan for future events and opportunities. Schedules are good habits that lead to discipline that become processes.

Every process must be written out and in the hands of those who will perform or be held accountable for them. Production processes, sales processes, construction processes, and delivery processes must be written. Team members and managers must be trained to adopt best practices (good habits).  As these good habits are learned and implemented, they become disciplined processes.

Remember, great people with bad processes or without discipline will never create great results!

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Please share what is one of your best processes?