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Week of 6/26/23


“What Are You Missing?”

Some things that should be obvious are simply: “Hidden in plain sight.”

Recently, while driving through a popular tourist area on the Savannah Riverfront with my grandson, I asked him if he had seen the view from the Savannah River Bridge. He said no. As we began to drive up the bridge, I told my grandson to look downriver to his right. He was surprised as he saw a huge, fully loaded containership moving out from under the bridge toward the ocean. He was amazed with the view seeing all the activity in the tourist area where we had just been driving.

Returning back over the bridge I told him to look again to his right. My grandson viewed the seaport upriver where massive cranes were loading and unloading thousands of containers from multiple ships. He was amazed seeing hundreds of cars that had been unloaded. The docks were alive with activity. He was very impressed.

Later that evening, my grandson was reminded that he had indeed been over that bridge recently. His father told him, “You were so busy playing on your phone that day that you missed the views from the bridge. Your view was hidden in plain sight!”

How many times do we miss opportunities or relationships that are: “Hidden in plain sight?”

Have we been so focused on current events that we miss seeing a bigger opportunity or a more fulfilling relationship? One that is: “Hidden in plain sight?”

Let’s do 2 short exercises:

1.  Think about how you met your spouse or your best friend. Was there an instant connection or one that grew over a period of time? What event occurred that brought you two closer together? How would your relationship have changed if you had missed seeing that event as an opportunity? What opportunities for great relationships are you currently missing that are: “Hidden in plain sight?”

2.  Think about your current occupation. Was there an unexpected event or chance meeting with someone that led to you being where you are now? How would your life be changed now if you had missed that event or meeting? What opportunities are you currently missing that are: “Hidden in plain sight?”

Commit now to review your current situations and your relationships. Then take the necessary actions required to take advantage what is: “Hidden in plain sight!”

“What Are You Missing?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 6/30/23 "What Is Freedom?"


“What Is Freedom?”

Freedom is described as an opportunity to do, or not do something, a right granted by a higher power, or a privilege that you earned.

In reality, Freedom embodies 3 characteristics: Choice, Accountability, and Defense.

Let’s examine each of these.

Freedom allows you to choose…to make choices. These choices include where you will live or go to school, where you will work, whether or not to marry, and whether or not to have children. You can choose a political party, an organization or church to join, or not to join at all. Freedom allows you to choose your leaders, and/or to be a leader. You can choose what to eat, drink, or drive. Having the ability to choose for yourself, instead of being controlled by someone else, is the essence of Freedom.   

Because Freedom allows you to choose, it also requires that you be accountable for your choices. Making choices will almost always affect both you and others. You can choose to be either responsible or reckless. You can choose to set an inspirational example or to lead others into bad habits and reckless activities. What you allow to happen, or choose to tolerate, makes you accountable for the results of those actions. By having the Freedom to make your own choices, you can enjoy the benefits of those choices. Conversely, making your own choices may create negative consequences for yourself or others. Either way…you are accountable for your choices and your actions.

Inasmuch as Freedom is a valuable commodity that can be lost quickly, those of us who benefit from it, who value and support it, must also defend it. To maintain and continue the opportunities provided by Freedom, we must constantly be on guard to defend against and defeat those who would take it from us. Our leaders, military, and law enforcement personnel take an oath to preserve, honor, and defend our Constitution, and to protect our country from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  As citizens who benefit from that Freedom, we must defend it as well.  

President Reagan once stated: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit freedom…is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the…lessons of how they must do the same.”

Think about that as you enjoy your Freedom this Independence Day!

That is today’s Morning Minute.