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Week of 7/10/23


“When Given A Tough Job, Do It!”

Two short stories…

Ross Perot, a graduate of the Naval Academy, served 4 years active duty. After his military assignment he was hired as a salesman by IBM. He was assigned to the worst performing area of the company, Dallas. Having been given this first assignment, he sold his yearly quota in his first 2 weeks. Eventually he was promoted to run the Dallas Division. After IBM ignored his innovative ideas, he resigned. Then, with only $1000, he formed a competitor to IBM, EDS. Because EDS was such an enormous success, it was eventually purchased by GM for $2.55 billion.. Because of his drive and his ability to innovate, Perot became very wealthy. He would later run for president and was successful in covertly rescuing two EDS employees from Iran where they had been captured during their revolution.

“Bull” Halsey, aircraft carrier commander in the Pacific during WW2, was hospitalized for a bad skin condition. When Admiral Nimitz, asked him who his replacement should be, he quickly answered, Ray Spruance. Nimitz asked why Spruance? Halsey snapped back, “Because Spruance knows “carrier” tactics. Plus, he has supported me in every engagement in the Pacific!” After getting his new assignment, Spruance asked Halsey if his skin ailment had impaired his judgement. Halsey retorted, “Ray, when you’re given the job to command, command!” At the battle of Midway, Spruance proved Halsey right by using his command to help sink 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, turning the tide of the war.

In both instances, Perot and Spruance wholeheartedly accepted the tough jobs they were given, and they did their jobs well. Their performances led to promotions and success.

What tough jobs have you been given? Even if you were disappointed with your assignment, did you accept these opportunities gladly? Did you perform with all the creativeness and support you were capable of? Did the way you performed lead to a promotion?

On a personal note, in both the restaurant and automobile businesses, I was usually assigned to turn around the worst restaurants or dealerships. After I gladly accepted these challenges, we developed winning operations by creatively managing the 4 Ps: People, Processes, Products, and Promotion.

Remember, being assigned the tough jobs, makes you stronger and more confident. Plus, these tough jobs position you for better assignments and to accept more responsibility.

“When Given A Tough Job, Do It!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute: 7/14/23 "Stop Selling Features & Benefits?"


“Stop Selling Features & Benefits!”

Quick question: “What ARE your clients buying?”

Conventional sales training teaches that clients are buying your products or services. As such, you must be selling clients on the features and benefits of what you provide.

However, that standard answer is both very shallow and inaccurate. You are selling “The Future!” Allow me to explain…

Whether or not your prospects have already decided what they want, or are uncertain if you have what they need, they do not want a product or service. They are shopping for “Results!” The results they desire could include something that will solve a problem, or provide a solution allowing them to take advantage of an opportunity that they cannot get without what you are selling.

The results they desire are in the future. Thus, you are selling them on what their future will look like if they get what you are selling. You are selling “The Future!”   

Let look at some examples.

The wine steward comes to your table suggesting a Pinot to compliment your fish entre and a dessert wine with your Creme Brulee. He shares how the Pinot will bring out the savory flavor of the fish, while your dessert wine is a counter balance to the heavier dessert. He shares that those choices will also create approval from their friends when they share their experiences at this restaurant. Both beverages make the meal enjoyable in the near future and memorable later on when they share their experience with their friends. The steward is not selling wine. He is selling the experience(results), plus, how they will feel as they remember their experience(future).

A couple needs to upgrade their older, unreliable car. After the salesperson discovers the wife is the primary driver, she asks her to describe a normal workday’s driving. Then she asks how her weekend driving will be different. She asks the wife what features the new vehicle must have that their trade-in doesn’t? The salesperson asks how the wife’s life would be enhanced by getting a new ride. The new car must solve their unreliability issue(results) and meet the wife’s driving expectations(future).

Results-based selling creates solutions that solve problems and/or allow the client to take advantage of an opportunity.

Plus, it helps the client envision how their

 “Future” will be positively enhanced with your product or service.

Start selling “Results.” Start selling the “Future!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

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