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Week of 7/1/24

Morning Minute: 7/2/24

Remembering Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address!

In 1863, after the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, President Lincoln gave his Gettysburg address to commemorate the graves of those who died there.  Given the current condition of our country, it is time for new Gettysburg address:

The New Gettysburg address for 2024…

“248 years ago, our forefathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that, inasmuch as all people were created by God, we are all equal.”

“To eliminate slavery in our country, we fought a 4 year long Civil War, leaving over 600,000 dead. We amended our Constitution to ensure that slavery will never again be present in the United States. It is altogether fitting and proper that we honor those brave citizens, who have fought and died to protect our freedoms, and those who today keep our country the land of the Free and the home of the Brave!”

“As our nation spread from the Atlantic to the Pacific, we welcomed immigrants from every nation on earth, to come here to work, raise their families, and via assimilation, to become Americans. We required that they learn our language and our customs, that they obey our laws, and that they become self-sufficient in order to become citizens of and participate in this, our great country.”

“In the 20th century, we stopped ignoring 50% of Americans by ensuring our women had right to vote and to participate in our government. As Americans, we worked together to survive an economic crash and the Great Depression. By our leadership and determination, we helped to win two World Wars. And, we ended segregation so that ALL our citizens could fully participate in our government.”

“It now falls to us, to confront and defeat the evil, that has manifested itself from within our great country. To reject those, who for political and financial gain, seek to divide us, having us fight against each another. We must defeat those who, by their actions, are destroying the very foundations of responsibility and self-reliance, which have guided our citizens to be successful, through the last 248 years. “

“Now is the time for us, to rededicate ourselves to the preservation of our nation, and of all that is good and pleasing to God. To pledge to God and to each other, both our lives and our sacred honor.

“To protect, honor, and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

And, that we here highly resolve, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, enshrined in truth and personal responsibility.”

“Thus, with the blessing of Almighty God, let all Americans accept the work of ensuring, that our government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.