Week of 7/29/24

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Morning Minute 7/30/24

“What Do YOU Really Control?”

“You got to DO something different, if you WANT something different!” Kirby Smart.

To achieve greatness, you must describe what greatness looks like to you. That is not just your GOAL. It becomes your MISSION!  In a battle, your GOAL may be to stay alive. Your MISSION is to dominate and crush your opponent. In a game, your GOAL may be to score more points than your opponent. Your MISSION is to dominate and defeat your opponent. In business, your GOAL is to achieve more today than you achieved yesterday. Your MISSION is to defeat your competition and dominate your market.

Take a moment, and let that sink in…(pause)

Greatness is defined both by winning…and by dominating. Consider your current situation. By setting lofty stretch goals that will be almost impossible to achieve, you can dominate your competition. Then, as the competition gets tougher, your mission to dominate them, will keep you focused on doing what you do best, instead of trying to block what they do best. When you achieve greatness, your competition will focus on stopping you, instead of doing what they do best. Can you see the difference?

In life, there are 3 things that you control, in this order…

1st: YOUR ATTITUDE! How would you describe your attitude? The attitude scale goes from defeatist up to supremely self-confident. Winners don’t make excuses. They don’t say: “It’s not my fault!” They ask themselves: “What must I do to get better results?” They look first at themselves to determine what they can do to create better outcomes. Sometimes that means helping someone else to do better, so you can be better. If you possess a defeatist attitude, always blaming others for your circumstances, you require a check-up from your neck up to get better. You alone control your own attitude. Your attitude is the first change you must make, in your quest for greatness.

2nd: YOUR EFFORT! How would you describe your effort? Is it just enough to get by? That approach fosters continuous losing. Is it just enough so no one yells at you? Assume that the person yelling, wants you to improve your effort so you can get better results. Tell your coach or boss that your goal is not just to win, but to dominate. Ask what you must improve to be more, do more, and earn more. Be the biggest judge of your own effort. Then, every day, strive to be 1% better today than you were yesterday!

3rd: YOUR LOCATION! Do you possess a dominating attitude? Are you employing maximum effort toward your own self-improvement? Professionals train every day to improve their skills and performance. If you are not moving forward, ask yourself, “Is this organization or industry the right vehicle for me to prosper and dominate? If not, then perhaps you need a different organization or industry. And remember, Steve Jobs quit designing video games, to create the super successful APPLE corporation.    

Leaders who achieve greatness, do so with a dominating attitude. With that dominating attitude, they put forth maximum effort to improve themselves, as they help others around them to excel. As professionals in their sport or industry, they adopt the discipline of continuous improvement. They concentrate not on the difficulty of their tasks. They concentrate on their MISSION to win and to dominate.

“What Do YOU Really Control?”

That is today’s Morning Minute!