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Week of 8/28/23

Morning Minute: 8/29/23

“How Do YOU Use Your Phone?”

Your business and cell phones are important tools.

It is crucial you learn to use these tools properly and effectively! Employ these professional phone techniques to ensure success when sharing or receiving information.

Outbound calls:

1)    Identify your objective(s) before calling…

a.    Is it to obtain or share information?

b.    To set up or confirm an appointment?

c.    To make a sale?

2)    When the other person answers their phone…

a.    Begin speaking immediately. Delaying more than 4 seconds may cause the person you called to hang up.  

b.    Identify yourself up front. For instance, “This Larry from LarryonLearning,”

c.    Then, ask for the person or department you are calling.

d.    When the person you called answers, re-identify yourself.

e.    Then take the curse off of the call. Asking, “Did I catch you at an OK time?” You will get one of three responses

                                         i.    “Yes.” That is your signal to proceed.

                                        ii.    “No.” Then ask, “When would be the best time for me to call back?”

                                       iii.    “What’s this all about?” Another signal to proceed with your call.

3)    If you must leave a message…

a.    Make it brief; 20-30 seconds at most.

b.    Say your callback name and number twice. This allows the person time to get pen and paper to write down the message.

c.    Most people do NOT listen to voice mails. Follow up your voicemail with an email and a text to ensure they receive your message.

Incoming calls:

1)    Answer the phone quickly…three rings maximum.

2)    If you are the phone operator, your job is to transfer the call to the proper person or department. Always ask, “How may I direct your call?” Do not ask “How may I help you?”

Basic phone manners:

1)    Using the speaker function to talk on your phone (unless you are in your car) is rude and annoying to the other person and to those around you. Always ask for permission to put the other person on speaker.

2)    Some people speak slowly, some very fast. By mirroring the speed of the other person, they will be more comfortable with you and more inclined to respond positively to the information you are offering.

Using these simple processes to guide your efforts when using your phone, will help you master the use of this all-important communication tool!

“How Do YOU Use Your Phone?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Contact me to discover how much better your team members phone skills can be. 

Larry Bonorato  864-630-2625 

Morning Minute: 9/1/23 F.O.C.U.S.

Morning Minute: 9/01/23

“F. O. C. U. S.”

This acronym may be the most important message we share this year!

As I focus on stowing away loose items in advance of a hurricane, I am reminded of a quote from Chandler Bolt, founder of Self-Publishing School.

His message was to FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful!”

I have been guilty of scattering my efforts lately. First, there was a course in copyrighting so my words would convey the pictures in my mind. Then, 7 months were invested in writing my first book, WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME. That labor of love, recounted the methods employed by my teams to successfully turn around failing businesses. Then, my efforts were required to publish and self-promote the book while serving clients as a personal success coach.

Along the way I was advised to get very active on social media to build a list of devoted followers. This led to the launch of the LarryonLearning Morning Minutes that are published twice-weekly, emailed to my followers, and posted on social media platforms. And, recently, I have been developing several courses to aid students to develop their skills in leadership, team building, and sales. These courses will address the need for these skills in my students.     

While these efforts have been worthwhile, none has been as successful as my work turning around failing businesses. In those situations, I had to be totally focused on the processes required to create those successful turn-arounds. That laser-like focus has been missing recently.

So, all my efforts now and into 2024 will be laser focused on helping professionals gain the skills and knowledge required to be successful leaders and managers. This will be accomplished by continuing to serve my coaching clients while facilitating group sessions via challenges and webinars, eventually leading to a Master Class for those students seeking even greater success.

To keep me focused on what is important to you, please share with me the issues and problems that you are dealing with currently. These include any subject or issue that is keeping you from reaching your goals. Most will fall into one of the 4 Ps, People, Processes, Products, or Promotion. However, you may want to facilitate more effective meetings, build stocking levels, learn conflict resolution, forecasting, or other skills.

You can text me at 864-630-2625, email me at, or PM me on LinkedIn or Facebook.

Let’s start a conversation. I look forward to hearing from you!

“Follow One Course Until Successful!”

That is today’s Morning Minute!