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Week of 8/19/24

Morning Minute 8/20/24

“What Are OUR Responsibilities as Free People?”

John Adams was eloquent about the responsibilities of a free people…

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

He further shared, “Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic, and necessary for a society to be free.”

We know that our freedom was purchased with the blood of patriots. Yet, many of us do not know, or have forgotten, that we will remain free, only if we accept the responsibilities that freedom requires from each of us. Let’s examine each of these…

1st: The responsibility to understand our government, how it works, and how to hold the people in government accountable to us, the citizens. Our Constitution was designed to “limit” the power of our government by creating 3 distinct branches. Each branch is limited by the checks and balances of the other 2 branches. Our Constitution lists the rights we received from God by virtue of our citizenship. And, the right and duty to vote in elections is limited to American citizens only.

2nd: The responsibility of personal honesty. By being personally honest in our families and our daily lives, we can demand honesty from those who lead us, instead of lies, deceptions, and distortions. We cannot expect honesty from those in government if we are dishonest, if we are deceitful, or if we distort the truth. By embracing personal honesty, we must remove those in government, both elected and appointed, who trade in deceptions, outright lies, and distortions of the truth.

3rd: The responsibility of self-reliance, self-improvement, and self-disciplineinstead of permanent dependence on government. Our Constitution gives all political power to our citizens. That individual power requires us to be good stewards of our time, talent, and wealth. It requires citizens to be disciplined in order to seek the self-improvement necessary to be more, do more, and earn more. We must be accountable for our actions, our inactions, and our personal debt. Remember, a government powerful enough to give you what you want, is powerful enough to take everything you have!   

4th: The responsibility of morality and virtue in our public and private lives. By personally living virtuous lives, we renounce the immorality of promiscuity, corruption, and infidelity. We cannot expect more of our leaders than we expect of ourselves. Citizens must be virtuous and faithful to our families, our employers, our employees, and to each other. We cannot hold our government to a higher standard than we hold ourselves.

Finally, it is time for a national revival that will require each of us, to return to the honesty, morality, and self-discipline on which our nation was founded. We must recommit to God and each other, to reject the lies, deceptions, and distortions of those in power and of those who enable and cover for them. This much is clear. If we do not accept the honesty, morality, and self-discipline of our founding, we will destroy our country, and have only ourselves to blame.

“What ARE Our Responsibilities as Free People?”

That is today’s Morning Minute!   

Morning Minute 8.23.24 How Does Fear Paralyze & Defeat You?

Morning Minute 8/23/24

“How Does Fear Paralyze & Defeat You?”

What are YOU most afraid of?

We can be afraid of many things. Fear that you don’t measure up. Fear of a lack of opportunity or losing your job. Fear of our circumstances. Fear of getting sick, injured, or dying. Fear of bankruptcy. Fear of failure. Fear of people seeing you fail. And, the fear of what happens if you succeed.  

Fear is usually triggered by an event. You experience something troubling, creating doubt about either the outcome, or its effects. Because your mind is programmed to protect you, it warns you of danger by displaying images of sickness, injury, or death. Or, images of financial loss such as losing your income, wealth, or job. To warn you of danger, your mind creates those images of family or business failure, or your lack of standing with your family, friends, or associates. Understand that these mental images are how your mind warns you of danger, causing you to be afraid.

Once you understand that fear is the natural effect of your mind protecting you, you can learn to use fear to your advantage. Fear manifests itself as fear of failure, fear of people seeing you fail, or the fear of the unknown. Let’s examine each.

As humans, we want to win. No one really wants to lose. If we understand that the desire to win creates the fear of losing, we can control that fear. Chart your own plans for success. Then execute your plans vigorously, making adjustments when required.

As humans, we desire to be seen as winners. We do not want others to view us as losers. When our view of ourselves is based on how others view us, we allow them to control how we view ourselves. Remember, that as a child of God, you will always have value. Do not allow how others see you, to determine how you see yourself!

There are times when we are afraid to succeed. How will success change my life? Will success create more demands on me, on my time, or keep me from doing things I enjoy? As you achieve success, learn to delegate more to others. This helps others improve their skills. Plus, you will have time to enjoy the benefits of your own success.

Finally, there is the fear of the unknown. This fear occurs due to sickness, injury, or death, to ourselves, or to someone we love. Health and long term care insurance will pay for the expenses of getting well. Life insurance will replace your income if you die. Disability insurance can continue your income if you are sick or injured. Having an up-to-date will guides your loved ones if you die. Proper planning before these life changing events occur, takes away the fear associated with each.    

In his fireside chats on radio in the 1930’s, President Franklin Roosevelt shared: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!” Dale Carnegie also gave us a process, 4 questions, to control our fear by solving those problems. Q1) What EXACTLY is the problem? Q2) What are all the CAUSES of the problem? Q3) What are all the possible SOLUTIONS to the problem? And, Q4) Which solution will YOU choose?

Understanding why we are afraid, anticipating the triggers causing fear, and having a process to solve problems, will help you use fear to your advantage.

“How Does Fear Paralyze & Defeat You?"

That is today’s Morning Minute.