Week of 2/17/25
“You Only Lose When You Quit!”
What happens when you make a major mistake that negatively
affects both you and those whom you lead?
Do you acknowledge it publicly, taking responsibility for the
mistake? Do you stay silent hoping it will blow over, or that your
involvement will never be...
Week of 2/10/25
Morning Minute 2/11/25:
“How Do WE Improve Student Learning!”
Our national government is returning control of education back
to the states. This is necessary to reverse the decline in student
learning since the year 2000.
“What changes are required to reverse this trend?”
In a...
Week of 2/3/25
“When Should You ‘Flood The Zone?’”
How do you take an organization from losing to
In the consultative approach you work within the existing
framework, with the current leadership team, to effect positive
change. In the “flood the zone” approach you bring in your...
Week of 1/27/25
Morning Minute 1/28/25:
“Is Your Team Like the Human Body?”
Consider this…
A properly functioning human body needs water and nutrients for
energy and cell reproduction. It requires physical activity for
fitness, balance, and coordination. Plus, the body requires both
knowledge and...
Week of 1.20.25
Morning Minute 1/24/25:
“Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!”
In life, the only thing guaranteed is CHANGE!
In Tom Peters’ book, “Thriving On Chaos,” he explains that no
matter how smoothly things are going now, you should always prepare
for change. Changes may include the loss of a key...
Week of 1/13/25
“Don’t Expect…If You Won’t Inspect!”
Recently, some clients shared some similar
A parent told a teen to clean her bathroom because they have
guests coming that night. The parent is furious to learn that their
guests had to use a dirty bathroom.
In their morning...
Week of 1/06/25
“The Real Value of Continuous Learning!”
This is a quote from Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds: “When
you’re green you’re growing; when you’re ripe you rot!
Ray’s message is that the volume of available knowledge is
constantly expanding. Thus, in order to stay up-to-date,...
Week of 12/30/24
Week of 12/23.24
Morning Minute 12/27/24:
“If You Don’t Change…You Choose!”
Looking forward to 2025 many of us are making resolutions.
However, a resolution is a wish. Real change requires your
commitment…to real change!
So, what do you want to change next year? Let’s look at some
Week of 12.16.24
Morning Minute 12/21/24:
“A Tale of Two Scared Teenagers!”
The teenage boy was understandably upset!
His friends ridiculed him because his fiance was pregnant. Some
said that he was the father. Others claimed the child could not be
his, because he was not the kind of guy to be so...
Week of 12/9/24
Morning Minute 12/10/24:
“Criticism: How Should YOU React?”
Here is a quote from. “Don’t be
distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success that
some people have is when they take a bite out of
A leader knows that the farther up the ladder of success
Week of 12.02.24
Morning Minute 12/03/24:
“How is Education Affected By Bureaucracy?”
The answer to that question requires that we understand these 3
important quotes.
1st: “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
2nd: “You have to surrender your opinion, in order to...
week of 11/18/24
Morning Minute 11/19/24:
“How Do YOU Benefit, By Being
How were your experiences at or ?
Was or distracted
or unenthusiastic due to the weather? Was or
Cinderella unfriendly due to their awkward costumes? The answer...
Week of 11/11/24
Morning Minute 11/12/24:
“Who ARE The Biggest Losers?”
First, let’s define: Information, Disinformation, and
Misinformation. Although used interchangeably, they are NOT the
Information is a presentation of real facts; what actually
happened; who was involved or affected; the...
Week of 11/3/24
Morning Minute 11/05/24:
“Facts vs Feelings? How Will YOU Decide?”
Sales trainers share that most people will buy based on
feelings, before facts.
Those feelings can be triggered by life experiences, individual
aspirations and goals, or research on the subject. Is it possible
Week of 10/28/24
Morning Minute 11/01/24:
“Is Your Team Organized For Success?”
In his book, “Good To Great,” Jim Collins shares the process of
“WHO, then WHAT.”
He uses this example. First, get the right WHO on your bus, and
in the right seats. Then you decide WHAT you want to accomplish.
Week of 10/21/24
Morning Minute 10/22/24:
We Need More or Less Government?”
is the .
answer to that question requires a look back at the writings of our
“Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular
government.” And, “Human rights can only be assured among a
Week of 10/14/24
Morning Minute 10/15/24:
Greed, Status, Power, or Influence?”
motivates you now? What is the filter through which you process
information, perceive danger, or seek opportunity. What IS your
primary motivation in life!
examining these, let’s recognize that ...
Week of 10.7.24
Morning Minute 10/08/24:
Are We Enjoying Cheaper Gas?”
let’s look at a few facts…
the in
January, 2021 was $1.89/gallon. It increased to $3.83/gallon by
July, 2022. Yesterday it was $2.47/gallon.
causes these ?
And, why are prices decreasing now?
Week 9/30/24
Morning Minute 10/01/24:
Truth; My Truth; or, The Truth!”
something is true, does not make it true.
a local business, the staff in one department believed that they
were being by another department. At a meeting with the
General Manager, they shared this belief. The GM...
Week of 9/23/24
Morning Minute 9/24/24:
Something Positive…Every Day!”
know the issues encountered with .
include disagreements and arguments, between you and your spouse,
children, parents, siblings, or your “ex!” You have . Your vehicle, heater, or plumbing breaks down. Or,
Week of 9/16/24
Morning Minute 9/17/24
Denigrate, Demonize, Destroy, & Deny!”
5 “D’s” have been the forever.
they identify a person, group, movement, or organization as a
threat to their power, wealth, or influence. They despise that
person or group, because they perceive them...
Week of 9/9/24
Morning Minute 9/10/24
Do You…Ask For Help?”
was different! A much more difficult challenge.
3 years of turning around failing restaurants in
developing the ,
and facilitating the best grand opening of any new restaurant for
the company, I was sent to
yet another...
Week of 9/02/24
Minute 9/03/24
You Take That Challenge?”
would become “!”
11 year old girl, visiting her grandmother, said that she had quit
her team and joined another. Knowing that she had excelled with the
first team, her grandmother inquired why she would change teams
when she...
Week of 8/26/24
Minute 8/27/24
is Your ENGINE of Economic Freedom?”
our Constitution defines our “Economic
amendment describes the rights to earn an honest living
is one invention that has created more than any other: …your ,
, or...
Week of 8/19/24
Minute 8/20/24
Are OUR Responsibilities as Free People?”
eloquent about the responsibilities of a free
further shared,
know that our .
Yet, many of us do not know, or have forgotten, that we will remain
free, only if we accept the responsibilities that...
Week of 8/12.24
Morning Minute 8/13/24
Is Never Final!”
quote from
bought to mind a recent .
by winning a college football game, you have success until the next
game. By winning enough games you succeed in winning your division.
By winning your division, you succeed to the . By...
Week of 8/5/24
Morning Minute 8/06/24
Keys Create a Long-Lasting Marriage?”
August 4, 2024, Judy & I celebrated our 54th
anniversary. In 1970, we married as two 19 year olds,
by as
we pursued raising a family while excelling in our
the years we have grown...
Week of 7/29/24
Morning Minute 7/30/24
Do YOU Really Control?”
got to DO something different, if you WANT something
different!” .
achieve greatness, you must describe what greatness looks like to
you. That is not just your .
It becomes your !
In a battle, your
be to stay alive....
Week of 7/22/24
Morning Minute 7/23/24
of The Brains!”
the Differences Between “Product Experts” &
“Problem Solvers.”
is a .
He is a walking encyclopedia of information about his products and
services. When others need someone to answer a question, Stanley is
their ...
week of 7/15/24
Morning Minute 7/16/24
In Plain Sight!”
all want explanations for why events happen.
those explanations are not only simple. They are hidden in plain
has the cost of fuel, groceries, autos, rent, insurance, homes, and
so much more risen from 50%-70% since...
week of 7/8/24
Morning Minute 7/9/24
Difficulties & Setbacks Create Character!”
6 year old boy just received his .
1st 2 weeks he rode the .
Then his mother had his older brother remove the training wheels.
He said he was NOT ready to ride without them. His disciplined
mother took charge...
Week of 7/1/24
Minute: 7/2/24
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address!
1863, after the of the Civil War, President Lincoln gave his to commemorate the graves of those who died there.
Given the current condition of our country, it is time for
new Gettysburg address:
New Gettysburg...
Week of 6/24/24
Morning Minute 6/25/24
DOES Progression Affects Your Processes!”
a process, the order of steps that happen in that
process…is .
this. If you are playing a ,
you are constantly planning your next move. You are also
anticipating the progression of moves by your opponent to...
Week of 6/17/24
Morning Minute 6/18/24
the Relationship, Not Just a Sale!”
sells women’s shoes in a mall department store; hundreds of pairs
each week.
clients will only buy from her. Because she has a
she rarely needs to handle walk-in customers. She keeps records of
who bought...
Week of 6/10/24
Morning Minute 6/11/24
You Coach Down, Up, or Sideways?”
is getting people to do what they hate, to achieve what they
that in mind, how do you maximize the
YOUR coaching?
can coach down, coach up, or coach sideways. Let’s...
Week of 6/3/24
Morning Minute 6/04/24
Will You Attract, Hire, & Onboard Quality
his interview, Steve did not appear to be a .
had zero sales experience. Arriving for his interview, everything
he owned was in his tiny .
He had worked as a counselor for a helping
to reform troubled...
Week of 5/24/24
“Where ARE the Good People to Hire?”
(part 1)
Does it seem that there are no quality people available to
Let’s examine some ways to
for your team.
1st: Update the s
for the people you need. My friend, ,
shares; “You hire for attitude and train for skills.” Based
on your...
Week of 5/20/24
Morning Minute
“Why America
Matters!” (Part 2)
What is so
exceptional @ The United States of America?
America is an
aspirational country.
“” is to strive for
something better. is people working together toward a goal that
benefits themselves and others.
Parents aspire to
Week of 5/13/24
Morning Minute
“Why America
Matters!” (Part 1)
What is so
significant @ The ?
Let’s begin by
examining our national : “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America. And, to the for which it
stands. , ,
with and
all!” Those 31 words help us understand...
Week of 5/6/24
Morning Minute
“Is No Decision,
Sometimes Your Best Decision?”
Leaders make
multiple decisions.
In business, the
question is: “Which decisions should the leader
In American
football, is designed to allow the players
closest to the action, to make split second decisions....
Week of 4/29/24
Morning Minute
“What’s It
Like…Being A Mentor?”
That is a
question I get asked frequently.
The person who
chooses to be a
others must be a , a
a ,
a , and
a . Mentors must
understand that their success will be based on their student’s
success. Plus, most mentors learn to...
Week of 4/22/24
Morning Minute
“If Not You…Then,
That IS the real
In the
visiting in the hospital.
As Halsey was unavailable for active duty, he recommended Spruance,
his cruiser commander, to take command of his 3 aircraft carriers.
When Spruance asked Halsey if his...
week of 4/15.2024
Morning Minute
“You Had Me at
Remember that
line from in the movie
Or, possibly from
the song:
How does a
genuinely respectful greeting, begin a productive
Entering this
store, a pleasant woman asks: “Welcome to
! Soaps are on the
Week of 4/08/24
Morning Minute
“Need a Winning
Strategy for Your Team?”
“Winning is not
just a goal. It is the of
the execution of a good plan.”
Studying great
leaders reveals 5 key steps to achieving long term
These are
Each of...
week of 4/01/24
Morning Minute
“How Will
You Overcome Life’s Difficulties?”
It seems the walls
are closing in on you!
You lose your good
job due to a mistake, downsizing, or a new leader bringing in their
own team. Your spouse asks for a divorce. You get sick or injured,
unable to work. You...
Week of 3.28.24
Morning Minute 3/29/24:
“Why Does a Leader’s Role Change?”
The caller was quite agitated. I listened quietly; mentally
recording the conversation.
This leader stated there would be serious discussions with his
staff members that day. He had recently hired an experienced person
to fill...
Week of 3/25/24
Morning Minute 3/26/24:
“Chocolate Muffins, A Flower Garden, &
What do these 3 items have in common?
Cooking chocolate muffins requires that you first
know who will eat them, how many you will need, how to display and
serve them, and when to have them ready. Next you need a...
Week of 3/18/24
Morning Minute
“From Poverty to
Excellence! An American Story!”
Clarence was born
in the small village of Pinpoint.
It was 1948, in
the segregated South. Pinpoint was a small community outside of
Savannah, GA. settled by freed slaves after the Civil War. His
first language was...
Week of 3/11/24
Morning Minute
“Do You Sometimes
That overwhelming
feeling that you and your circumstances are out of
You are
frustrated and irritated with everything and everybody.. At work,
two issues pop up while you are working on another. A friend is
injured in an...
Week of 3/4/24
Morning Minute
“Do You Sometimes
Feel You Are Inferior?”
Many people feel
that they will never get ahead, or will never find someone who will
love them. They feel unworthy of respect. They suffer, feeling that
they are not smart enough, or don’t look good enough. Worse yet,
Week of 2/26/24
Morning Minute
“What is “your
question, right?
Since the
beginning of time humans have been on a never ending search for
truth. And it seems that every time we think we know the truth,
something changes. We learn that what we thought was true, is
Week of 2/19/24
Transformation for Your Team?”
Recently, a
consultant described Transformation as
“Information plus Action.” While that description
lists some basic elements, it does not provide the necessary steps
to achieve real, lasting Transformation.
These steps begin
with an...
Week of 2/12/24
Morning Minute
Navigating Your New
You successfully
managed a facility with 32 people in 4 departments.
You were promoted
to manage a facility with 197 people in 11
You need a
template as you begin Your New Assignment.
As you meet...
Week of 2/5/24
Morning Minute
“How Did
That Make You Feel?
People don’t think
in words.
We think in mental
pictures. As we process those mental pictures, our brain recalls
memories or creates mental videos. Those memories or videos create
Those feelings
cause us either to act, or to avoid...
Week of 1/28/24
Morning Minute
“Whom Would You
Your team needs
new leadership.
You have a choice
between either a coaching leader or an adaptive
Which leadership
style would facilitate the best results for your
Although they are
similar, let’s examine how these leadership...
Week of 1/22/24
“How Do You
In thinking about
WISDOM, whom do you picture as a wise person?
Why did you choose
that person? (pause)
Most people assume
that Wisdom and Knowledge are one and the
However, a basic
definition of WISDOM is: “The application...
Week of 1/15/24
“Do YOU Have the
WILL To Win?”
NFL coach Vince
Lombardi made this clear: “The WILL to win is not nearly so
important as the will to PREPARE to win!”
Winning involves
action, a mindset, and a process. This simple, powerful process is
summed up in 3 action...
Week of 1/08/24
“What Are They
Really Saying?”
Today, let’s
unveil the Four Purposes of Language…
To understand the
power of language, we must understand the motivations behind the
words people use to communicate. Those four primary motivations
are: to EDUCATE; to INFORM; to COERCE; and...
Week of 1/01/24
“How Do You
Picture…Your Family?”
The Pastor asked
if anyone had received a Christmas card with a beautiful family
picture this year. Everyone said yes.
He asked,
“Didn’t they look amazingly happy?”
Continuing, he
asked if anyone had received a Christmas card with a portrait...
Week of 12/25/23
“What Are Your Projections For 2024?”
Projections for your organization are NOT
NOR are they based on feelings.
Projections ARE goals, based on data, and a
clear-eyed analysis of what you will accomplish as a
team. You will need a starting point, clearly
Week of 12/18/23
Morning Minute
“Easy Access
Training Videos for You & Your Team!”
Over the last 16
months, we have been building and updating our library of training
videos. We have 150 videos sharing information, processes, and
skills on leadership, team building, sales, personal...
Week of 12/11/23
Morning Minute
“Needs vs Wants?
Both Are Important!”
A true story of
missed opportunity…
As a rookie auto
salesperson, I had the opportunity to assist a young couple. Since
they were expecting their first child, he shared that they needed
more room and four doors. He said they...
Week of 12/04/23
Morning Minute
“Competence vs
Discover the
power of genuine care!
As you pursue
success and recognition, you will encounter both competence and
arrogance. Competence signifies one’s knowledge, skills, and
abilities. Arrogance displays a lack of empathy and represents...
Week of 11/27/23
Morning Minute:
“How do you picture…Discipline?”
Is it a thing? An action? A process?
First, allow me to share what discipline is
If someone is disobedient, or makes a mistake, corrective action
may be required. That corrective action is not discipline....
Week of 11/20/23
Morning Minute: 11/21/23
“How Do YOU Measure Success?”
The room became very quiet after the speaker was
The District Attorney began to share his accomplishments since his
election 3 years ago. He began addressing the reorganization of his
department. His staff had increased...
Week of 11/13/23
Morning Minute:
“What Are We Doing To Our Children?”
4 of a 5 part series)
In , we outlined the necessary
changes in FAMILY LIFE
leading to a NATIONAL RENEWAL. Today, we outline the changes
necessary in EDUCATION!
Quality education is the responsibility of everyone...
Week of 11/6/23
Morning Minute:
“What Are We Doing To Our Children?”
shared the
Now, let’s examine what causes those results.
We have raised 4 generations since the Great Depression and
WW2; 3 since Vietnam and the end of racial segregation; 2 since...
Week of 10/30/23
Morning Minute:
“What ARE They Actually Saying?”
How can you ensure that the information you receive is authentic
and useful.
People share information that is important to them or
aligned with what they want to accomplish. They may share
something that is not factual, or share...
Week of 10/23/23
Morning Minute:
“Why Do You …Show Up Early?”
It seems simple.
You can be late, be on time, or “show up
So why “show up early?”
For the meetings, seminars, or classes you attend, “showing up
early” provides you with some valuable one-on-one time with...
Week of 10/16/23
Morning Minute: 10/17/23
“Your Personal Coach: Benefits and
First, let’s examine the
BENEFITS you receive by retaining a personal
Coach will offer you valuable advice and strategies based on
industry best practices and personal experience,...
Week of 10/09/23
Morning Minute:
“How Do You Improve Your Results?”
Sports teams review film to improve performances in preparation for
the next game.
Our military uses “After Action Reports” to improve their
strategy, their timing, their personnel, and their
The 9-11 Commission...
Week of 10/02/23
Minute: 10/03/23
“Show Me Your
Business Plan?”
As you
work to secure financing for your business, this may be your first
requirement from a banker or investor.
seeking financing, you may begin by outlining your background and
successes. However, your business plan...
Week of 9/25/23
Morning Minute:
“Body, Mind, and Spirit!”
In life, your personal success depends upon how well you nurture
these 3 areas!
You have only one body. It needs nourishment
including a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, starches, protein,
dairy, oil or fats, vitamins, and...
Week of 9/18/23
Morning Minute:
“Can You: “Read The Room?”
Quick, what was the #1 selling new car in 1983?
331,179 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supremes were sold making it the #1
selling new car that year. Where is Oldsmobile now? It ended
production in 2004.
What happened? Their leadership forgot how...
Week of 9/11/23
Morning Minute:
“Remembering Sept 11, 2001!”
Our National Motto: “E Pluribus Unum!” “Out of many,
Our country has had many defining moments binding us together as
one people and one nation.
August 2, 1776 Thirteen American colonies declare independence to
form the...
Week of 9/4/23
Morning Minute:
“Decision Time! How Will YOU Decide?”
However, you have no process to guide you..
So, you start the “What Ifs?”
“What if I make a mistake? What if they say “NO?” What if they say
“Yes?” What if someone else is better? What if I lose my job or...
Week of 8/28/23
Morning Minute:
“How Do YOU Use Your Phone?”
Your business and cell phones are important tools.
It is crucial you learn to use these tools properly and
effectively! Employ these professional phone techniques to ensure
success when sharing or receiving information.
Week of 8/21/23
Morning Minute:
Managing these properly will bring you Massive
Start here. Substandard performance is usually a people
issue. Interview and analyze your leaders. A team with poor leaders
will perform poorly. Place the...
Week of 8/14/23
Morning Minute:
“Your Habits Create Your Destiny!”
What IS your destiny?
In “The Six Pillars of Intimacy,” Alisa DiLorenzo shares:
“Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they
become actions. Make sure you watch your actions, because they
become habits....
Week of 8/7/23
Morning Minute:
“How You Achieve Sales Excellence!”
In analyzing salespeople who achieve excellence in their industry,
we find there are two successful, but different success
There are Master Closers, and Relationship Sellers. We will examine
First, allow me to...
Week of 7/31/23
Morning Minute:
8/01/23: (Part
2 of a 2 part series.)
“Managing The 4 Ps!”
Superior leadership requires managing People, Processes, Products,
and Promotion.
Start with yourself. Be accountable to yourself. When problems
arise, look first in the mirror to determine what...
Week of 7/24/23
Morning Minute: 7/25/23:
“Fear, Logic, or Habit?”
Regardless of the outcome of someone’s actions, they were most
likely motivated by either fear, logic, or habit.
Let’s examine some situations.
An awful auto accident just happened in front of you. You fear
being hurt or...
Week of 7/17/23
“So You Failed…Now What?”
Failures can be minor. They can be catastrophic.
You can allow failure to define you, allowing it to crush you. Or,
you can accept that failure is always possible, make the required
adjustments, and press forward toward your objective....
Week of 7/10/23
“When Given A Tough Job, Do It!”
Two short stories…
Ross Perot, a graduate of the Naval Academy, served 4 years active
duty. After his military assignment he was hired as a salesman by
IBM. He was assigned to the worst performing area of the company,
Week of 7/03/23
“What Is Your problem?”
We have all been there…
You have worked hard, been positive, done the right things, and
then catastrophe happens. You didn’t cause it. You didn’t expect
it. But it hits you like driving full speed into a concrete
Week of 6/26/23
“What Are You
Some things that
should be obvious are simply: “Hidden in plain
Recently, while
driving through a popular tourist area on the Savannah Riverfront
with my grandson, I asked him if he had seen the view from the
Savannah River Bridge....
Week of 6/20/23
“Who Are You
Listening To?”
Your parent
says, “If you don’t go to college, you won’t get a good
Your coworker
says, “Forget that promotion. You don’t have the right
Your inner voice
whispers, “I can’t do this!” “What if...
Week of 6/13/23
“Are You Growing
Strong Plants or Just Watering Flowers?”
While I was
working in our flower bed, a neighbor walked by asking if I was
watering my flowers. I replied that I was caring for my plants so
that we could continue to enjoy these flowers.
That conversation
prompted me to think about...
Week of 6/5/23
“What is Your
(Real) Objective?”
In my freshman
year of college, in American history class, we discussed the battle
of Chickamauga, Georgia, fought during the American Civil War. Our
professor stated that the North won that battle. I asked him how he
came to that...
Week of 5/29/23
“Passion” or
Are these
Both are
Some folks say,
“If you choose an occupation based on your passion, you will
never work a day in your life!”
Others say,
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!”
Let’s look at
Week of 5/22/23
“How Will You
Create Your 1st Impression?”
In today’s social
and business environments, we are taught to be accepting and
tolerant of each other.
This is expected
and required.
However, this
does not eliminate the necessity of making a good 1st
Week of 5/15/23
Week of 5/09/23
“What Are You Afraid Of?”
We all face making decisions. Decisions concerning
opportunities, problems, setbacks, or mistakes. Decisions forced on
us by our own actions or the actions of others.
We face fear and self-doubt.
Question: Do we fear the decision,...
Week of 5/01/23
Morning Minute
“Who is Teaching
Your Children?”
During a panel
discussion, this question was asked: “Who has the greatest
influence in shaping public opinion: the educational system, the
entertainment industry, or the church?”
The panelists
agreed that influence begins early in...
Week of 4/24/2023
Morning Minute
“How Will You
Rock the Boat?”
My parents grew
up during the Depression. As a result of their struggles, they
taught me to…
“Not rock the
boat!” “Keep a low profile!” “Go along to get along!” “Let
others decide, so you won’t be criticized”...
Week of 4/17/23
Morning Minute
“How Would You
Yesterday was a
great day!
It was perfectly
mapped out to ensure maximum success. The plan included Zoom
coaching calls, offsite appointments, personal contacts, as well as
time allotted for writing and content creation. My...
Week of 4/10/23
Morning Minute
‘How Important is
Your Family?”
Studies of how
groups of people form societies show that there are many
contributing factors such as demographics, environment, religion,
education, and geography. Overlooked in most of these studies is
the most basic building block of...
Week of 4/03/23
Morning Minute
“A Tale of Two
Fourth Graders”
John and Anne
were fourth graders at Federal Elementary School. They were not
friends when they sat down at the same table in the lunchroom. Anne
looked unhappy, so John asked her what was the matter. Anne
explained that she forgot her...
Week of 3/27/23
Morning Minute
“Are You The
Every manager,
coach, team leader, or business owner claims that they want the top
performers on their team. When asked why, they share that having
top performers ensures better productivity and higher quality
performance. Plus, they are most often...
Week of 3/21/23
Morning Minute
Betrayal, Slavery, Prison, Triumph!”
A Palestinian
tribal leader had 12 sons. His favorite was the 11th
son. Not only did he favor this son greatly, this son, Joseph, was
arrogant and disrespectful to his brothers. This arrangement caused
Week of 3/13/23
Morning Minute
“Is economic
freedom important to you?”
Our Constitution
provides many freedoms including freedom of speech, press,
religion, and assembly. It does not address economic freedom
specifically. However, the authors understood that without economic
freedom those listed...
Week of 3/6/23
Morning Minute
“Are you like
Henry needed
another engineer. The search narrowed down to two people. They both
had the same degrees from the same school. They both had similar
grades and backgrounds. Henry invited them to
Dinner was
pleasant and enjoyable. There was...
Week of 2/27/2023
Morning Minute
Jobs…Your Choice or Theirs?”
In a recent poll,
96% of participants indicated one of these 2 answers to this
What is the primary issue today preventing you from being
promoted in your current job?
83% said that
there was no opportunity for...
Week of 2/20/23
Morning Minute
“Have they taken
mental ownership yet?”
Whether you sell
products or services, you must help your buyer see in their mind
how what you ask them to buy will help them look, feel, or perform
better. In other words, have them take mental ownership of it, so
they will...
Week of 2/13/23
Morning Minute
“What will you
drive in 2035?
Earlier this
month we ran a poll of auto industry professionals asking them
their opinions of what fuel would power the new vehicles sold in
2035. These are manufacturers and suppliers, plus dealers and
dealership personnel. There were 977...
Week of 2/06/23
Morning Minute
“How Do You
Communicating is
basic to how we build teams and achieve objectives. There is
communicating with clients, suppliers, and business partners.
However, no communicating is more important than how we communicate
with our team members. The basic...
Week of 1/30/23
Morning Minute
“Praise in
Public, Criticize in Private!”
The Zoom call
with 17 managers was getting heated. The area manager responsible
for all 3 auto dealerships previously shared that all ideas would
be considered. When one of the sales managers vigorously made the
case for an...
Week of 1/23/23
“Is it the act,
or the lie to cover it up?”
The boy was in
trouble. He did not complete his task. When asked about it, he
lied. His younger brother lied for him as well. Inevitably, his
father discovered the incomplete task, that his son had lied about
it, and that...
Week of 1/17/23
“How do you
responsibility for someone receiving and understanding what you are
sharing with them, belongs to you…the person who is sharing. Once
you accept that the responsibility is yours, you realize that you
need various ways of...
Week of 1/09/23
“How Do You
Now you are
ready. You have your bold, audacious goals well researched, written
out, and communicated with your team. You have the right people in
the right places. You have installed the best systems and
processes. Your products and services are in...
Week of 1/02/23
“It’s not how about much you make!”
Most people want success and ever increasing income. Their income
starts after school. As they work, they expect to learn more in
their chosen field. As they learn more they expect to earn more.
Taking on more responsibility,...
Week of 12/26/22
Year End 2022
Stop selling your product or
Hey, you are selling the finest, most innovative,
most useful product or service in your market. You have shared
features, advantages, and benefits. You know everything about your
offerings and your competition. Yet, you still...
Week of 12/19/2022
Morning Minute:
“Helping others
be better versions of themselves!”
In last Friday’s
Morning Minute, we discussed Empowerment, the #2
characteristic of “Best Managers” as described in a recent INC.
Magazine article. Let’s examine the top
That top
Week of 12/12/22
Morning Minute:
“Why do so many salespeople dislike sales
The only reason to have a meeting of any kind is to
create positive ACTION. A sales meeting is no different. Whether in
person or online, meetings must engage the participants by
encouraging useful discussion....
Week of 12/05/22
Morning Minute:
“Who is your role model?”
First, let’s examine what a role model is. A role suggests a
certain personality type such as dominant, or outgoing, or
structured, or compliant. A model is someone whose life or
accomplishments we endeavor to imitate. Thus, a role...
Week of 11/28/22
“Do you need a
Recently, I
discovered a chalk map drawn by some 4th grade girls on
a sidewalk. The map started at the garage of one house, zigzagged
down their driveway onto the sidewalk, and stretched down in front
of the house next door, ending with a trophy at the end...
Week of 11/21/22
Morning Minute:
“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?”
You know that phase, right? It comes from the Declaration of
Independence. However, the phrase “pursuit of happiness,”
was not in the original draft. The original draft read Life,
Liberty, and Estate.” In the...
Week of 11/14/22
Morning Minute:
“Your thoughts have
That phrase from Dr. Charles
Stanley reminded me of a story.
Megan, a young gymnastics
student, had a great deal of natural talent. She loved the
challenge of the sport. She was always doing more than was required
by her coach....
Week of 11/7/22
Morning Minute:
“What is holding
you back?”
William was born
in a small town in Alabama, the youngest of 3 children. They had
very little.
His older brother
was severely injured in high school and never fully recovered. Then
his father’s business failed. Shortly thereafter his...
Week of 10/31/22
“Opportunities vs Outcomes”’
With cooler
weather this weekend, it was necessary to trim our bushes. This
would ensure a uniform look for our house from the street. We have
both loropetalum and azalea bushes.
All these bushes
are healthy receiving the same amount of sunlight, moisture,...
Week of 10/24/22
Morning Minute:
“The culture
of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior that the leader
is willing to tolerate!”
That quote
brought back a painful memory.
In the 1990’s, I
joined a dealership in another state. During my dysfunctional
3-month tenure, I witnessed unlawful...
Week of 10/17/22
Morning Minute:
“I don’t know
what to do!”
The young
restaurant manager was totally stressed out!
The kitchen team
was not working together. This created problems getting orders out
correctly and on time. The cooks ran out of prep items, increasing
preparation time. The dining...
Week of 10/10/22
Morning Minute:
“I just can’t get
them to do their jobs!”
That was the
statement from a sales manager recently when I asked him about how
his team was performing. He explained disgustedly that not only
would they not do any extra tasks; they were not even making their
Week of 10/3/22
There is an old
saying that regardless of how great a battle plan you have, your
enemy gets a vote. Because they will change their actions in order
to block what you are doing, you must adapt and
Adaptability is a
process that has propelled America to create the most envied
Week of 9/26/22
“What are you afraid of?”
You have been asked that question many times in your life.
Others have asked you that question. However, how many times have
you asked yourself that question?
Most fears are a fear of “losing.” Losing creates
circumstances that create consequences. Consequences...
Week of 9/19/22
Thomas was dying.
Mary, his wife, and their daughter, Julia, were at
Thomas’s bedside. He had been bedridden for 12 days, slipping in
and out of consciousness. His injuries required that his arm be
amputated. After surgery he spent several days in a coma. Then for
3 days he seemed to get...
Week of 9/12/22
“I can’t believe
this happened!”
Oh, my! It would
be helpful if I didn’t get ahead of myself.
A woman who goes
to church with us came to me with a problem. She knew I dealt with
autos, banks, and contracts daily. After her exclamation she
explained that one of her...
Week of 9/5/22
Hiring quality people is HARD!
Applicants lie or omit information. Plus, they spout
rehearsed answers leaving you to in the dark about their history or
Readers of my book “WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME,”
discovered eight valuable interview questions useful in drawing out
Week of 8/29/22
The teenage boy
shouts at his Mother that he is old enough to stay out past 11:00pm
with his friends. His Mother shouts back to the boy that he must
obey because nothing “good” happens after 11pm at
· The old veteran
sternly tells the young man that he must stand in quiet...
Week of 8/22/22
(8/22/22) Morning
made a huge
mistake. It may or may not have been intentional. But it was a bad
mistake that affected your team negatively. Someone, or a group of
people, had a loss because of YOU. This loss could be
physical, or monetary, or mental, or spiritual. This loss...
Week of 8/15/22
Duty, Honor,
Service… we will examine these individually for the next few
morning minutes.
describes the
tasks and responsibilities associated with the role that you
currently have. For example, as a father it is my duty to
provide for the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of...
Week of 2/24/25
Morning Minute 2/25/25:
“Are You Popular, Relevant, or Both?”
Interesting question, right?
Maybe the better question is: Are you popular because you are
relevant? Or, are you relevant because you are popular? But, I am
getting ahead of myself.
First, let’s define the terms, popular,...